Florida Region 2025 Car Show
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Trophy Presentations
Cars in Attendance
Checkout our new Projects page
We have added a new section to our website. This new section is called Projects and will highlight our members projects. The first project will be:
We would like to showcase your project. Whether it is a restoration or an interesting upgrade, please contact Larry Mills at lrmills@att.net.
New Addition to our References page
We have added a new link to our References page. AmericanAutoEmblems.com showcases the nameplates, emblems and logos displayed on American auto vehicles from the introduction of the horseless carriage up to about 1950. This is a treasure trove of interesting information. A must read for anyone who is interested in automotive history. Click on our References link and enjoy.
Request for Submittals
We would like to showcase our members cars each month. If you would like to see your car with a little background story, on this page, please email some pictures and a background story to Larry Mills at lrmills@att.net.
Next Club Meeting
The next club meeting will be held on Monday, April 14th. The Board meeting will start at 6:30 PM and the general meeting will start at 7:00 PM. Remember we are now meeting at All Saints Episcopal Church, Mary Martha Room, 338 East Lyman Avenue, Winter Park Florida. This is located on the corner of Lyman and Interlochan Ave. That is one block East of Park Ave. and one block north of Fairbanks.
We encourage you to drive an old car, if you have one. Hope to see everyone there!”
Old Car Cruise-in
Our club is sponsoring an Old Car Cruise-in on Sunday March 16th. The cruise-in will be at Perkins Restaurant, 989 West OBT (US441) Apopka 32703, from 2-5 PM. This event will be held on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Everyone join us and drive your old car.